Category Blog Article

We have taken a lot of steps to amass the highest concentration of composable talent in North America. Our team not only leads in practice but also in industry knowledge. Dive into their brains with our collection of ecommerce blog articles, written by these impressive thought leaders.

10 Tips for a Successful Composable Commerce Project

At Aries Solutions, we have the largest number of successful composable commerce projects in North America. Our experience taught us that companies should be prepared before going composable. Here are ten things you should consider before making the switch.

What is commercetools InStore?

commercetools InStore

Consumers expect a seamless shopping experience, whether they’re browsing online from the comfort of their homes or exploring products in a brick-and-mortar store. This convergence has led to the rise of unified commerce solutions, like commercetools InStore, that integrate digital and physical retail environments.

API Extensions and Microservice Layers

API extensions and microservice layers by Nik

How do you design a Microservices Layer? How do you build an efficient API Extension? What is the best way to extend composable commerce APIs? Let’s answer these questions and explore the differences between API extensions and microservice layers.

What is commercetools Foundry?

The discussion has revolved around Foundry’s benefits, including quick time to market, true flexibility, and ease of use. It’s great to see the stats and success stories from companies who have adopted Foundry. However many conversations have jumped right past the definition… What is commercetools Foundry? Is it a mindset, a guide, or a specific product? Let’s break it down in simple terms.

Excluding Items from commercetools Promotions

excluding items from commercetools promotions by Lena Kudryavtseva

Often, there need to be items that are excluded from the promotions a company runs. This demo runs you through how to add an exclusion to your cart discounts in commercetools. In our example promotion, we will allow customers with carts over $100 to use a 10% discount on all clothing items except for Polo-branded clothing items.

Generating Coupon Codes in commercetools

generating coupon codes in commercetools by Perry Merrity II

commercetools recently rolled out a more efficient way to generate coupon codes in the Merchant Center. Let's explore how easy it is to do this with an example promotion that grants 100 customers a 10% discount code that is unique to them.