Tim Steele

Tim Steele

Tim brings decades of experience in software development and commerce to his position as CTO. As an expert in commercetools and headless technology, Tim is excited to continue to break ground and deliver innovative projects at Aries.
headless personalization by Yasamine June

Headless Personalization in Composable Commerce

As a next step to composable commerce, we often see customers looking at how to do personalization within headless ecosystems. In our approach, personalization generally falls into three main categories supported by one or more personalization platforms: customer grouping, product affinity, and targeting.

GraphQL middleware by Mark Boss

GraphQL Security: New Tools to Mitigate Against Bad Actors

Your GraphQL implementation can provide new opportunities for your organization to combat malicious traffic and bad actors. This will not replace best practices for securing sensitive data, but these practices help mitigate illegitimate traffic like bots, scripts, and denial-of-service attacks. Here are three ways Aries uses GraphQL to protect your site.

Headless Commerce Architecture

Two (or More) Heads Are Better Than One

“Headless” is very marketable, but “head” is not the best metaphor for an interface. People don’t have more than one head, and their head never changes. A better but less catchy metaphor is a hat. Like hats, your interfaces change to meet the user’s situation.

Model Rocket Banner

Headless Commerce Isn’t Rocket Surgery

We have done monolith implementations, and we have done composable implementations. Any major commerce project has challenges. We believe the notoriety around composable's complexity isn't because it is harder than monoliths but because it is different.