Adding a Free Shipping Promotion in the Merchant Center

Customers love getting a free shipping promotion with their orders. This article shows you how to set up and configure a free shipping cart promotion in commercetools. Our example allows free shipping when a customer has a cart total of $100 or more.

Customers love getting a free shipping promotion with their orders. This article shows you how to set up and configure a free shipping cart promotion in commercetools. Our example allows free shipping when a customer has a cart total of $100 or more.

Creating the Cart Promotion

Step one in any promotion creation is signing into Merchant Center. In the Discounts tab on the left-hand navigation, select “cart discount list.”

a free shipping promotion is a cart level discount

Click on “Add cart discount” on the upper right-hand side.

add a cart discount

Give it a name. Our example will be called “Free Shipping Demo.” We will use “FreeShipping” as the discount key. This is for tracking purposes when a business pulls reports to see the orders, to which, a promotion is attached.

name and discount key for the free shipping promotion

For our purposes, we will leave the store blank. However, we always have to supply a rank for commercetools to know in what order to apply cart promotions. We are not using a discount code, so we will select “Not required.”

rank and discount code

Valid dates are not necessary as you can turn promos on and off whenever you like. However, we will select dates for our example.

valid from and valid until dates

Configuring the Cart Promotion

Our parameters allow customers to have free shipping on orders of $100 dollars or more. This means the Eligibility Criteria needs to “Apply to specific carts.” Set the “Cart Total” as “equal to or greater than” “100.00 USD.”

eligibility criteria for the free shipping promotion

Set the “Discount type” as 100% off the “Shipping.”

percentage off of the shipping

Click save in the bottom right-hand corner and activate the discount in the upper right-hand corner.

save and activate the free shipping promotion

Questions about adding a free shipping promotion?

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